Words Of Wisdom

Swallow My Silhouette

This is clearly about the love of the Barn Swallow and their silhouette. There are no other innuendos or alternate meanings to this. Don’t look for any.
Pregnancy is a matter between a woman and her doctor. Politicians have no say.

Pro Choice

Unsolicited Banana Pic

Don’t you hate when you get an unsolicited banana pic?

Big Stretch Black Cat

A cute black cat doing a big stretch. Perfect for cat lovers in any season.

Against Abortion? Then Don’t Have An Abortion

Here’s an idea, if you don’t like abortion, don’t have an abortion. That’s as far as your opinion matters.

Your Bible Is Not MY Law

Your Bible Is Not MY Law. Everyone has freedom of religion. One religion cannot force there beliefs onto others via law creation.
Laws that affect only women should be created by only women. It’s not a confusing concept.

Laws About Women Should Be Created By Women

Your Religion Doesn’t Negate My Rights

If everyone has a right to their own religion then laws cannot be created that give favouritism to Christianity. Abortion rights are human rights. Keep religion out of politics.
Abortion rights are human rights. This shouldn’t even be a debate.

Men Shouldn’t Be Making Laws About Women’s Bodies

I Did The Adulting Today Praise Me

Being an adult is hard sometimes. You deserve to be praised for simply surviving in today’s world.

The World Is Burning

The world is burning. Climate change is raising the temperature of our planet at an alarming rate. An exodus has started near the equator. Industry is destroying us. We need to act fast.

I Stop To Pet Dogs

For all dog lovers who need to pet every one they see.

Cute Halloween Ghost Boo-bs

My Cute Halloween Ghost Boo-bs are up there.
Laws that affect only women should be created by only women. It’s not a confusing concept.

Laws About Women Should Be Created By Women

I Have Disappointed Those In My Life I Love Most

I Have Disappointed Those In My Life I Love Most.

Found The G Spot

Found the g spot…on the piano keyboard.

The Second Amendment Was Referring To Muskets

When the Second Amendment was written, they were referring to slow firing weapons like Muskets. Using the Second Amendment as a reason to own military level automatic weapons is ridiculous.
All The Yeet. That is all.

All The Yeet

I Stop To Pet DogFur Baby On Board

Fur Baby On Board is for all those animal lovers who bring their adorable, furry family member with them on adventures.

Be Kind Work Hard Wear Glasses

Be Kind Work Hard Wear Glasses
I Promise I’m Nicer Than My Face Looks. For all those with RBS (Resting Bitch Face).

I Promise I’m Nicer Than My Face Looks

Are We There Yacht?

A fun pun of ‘are we there yet,” for those who are big on boats and vacationing.
If the law says abortion is murder but still lets civilians buy assault rifles, then maybe the system is broken.

Ban Guns Not Abortion

Relaxing Mandala

A relaxing, meditative design with positive vibes.

I Never Said I Was Qualified

A funny jest at the inability to adult nowadays.
Some adult humor for the win. But seriously, plant more trees.

Grow Your Own Wood